Systematic Review Documentation: Best Practices for PRISMA Flow Diagrams & Search Strategies

Learning Objectives

  • Master the principles of systematic review documentation: Learn key methods to ensure accurate, thorough documentation.
  • Develop comprehensive search documentation strategies: Create systematic, detailed records for transparency and reproducibility.
  • Create detailed PRISMA flow diagrams: Gain skills to visually represent the study selection process clearly and precisely.
  • Implement standardized documentation templates: Use proven formats to streamline efforts and ensure consistency.
  • Generate reproducible search documentation reports: Ensure your documentation is replicable and validated by other researchers.

Introduction to Search Documentation

Thorough documentation of the search process serves as a cornerstone of systematic reviews, providing a clear record of methods and decisions. For instance, in a systematic review on the effectiveness of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic, detailed documentation allowed researchers to replicate the methodology and validate findings. This highlights the critical role of documentation in ensuring reliability and reproducibility.

Primary Benefits

  • Ensures transparency of methodology: Clearly outline how the search was conducted to allow others to evaluate its rigor.
  • Enables reproduction of searches: Comprehensive records allow others to replicate your process, verifying findings or building upon them.
  • Facilitates future search updates: Detailed records simplify updates as new studies become available.
  • Supports quality assessment: Provides the basis for evaluating the validity and reliability of your review.
  • Meets reporting guidelines: Compliance with standards like PRISMA or MECIR enhances credibility and acceptance.

Quality Indicators

  • Completeness of reporting: Include all relevant details, from database choices to inclusion criteria.
  • Accuracy of search strategies: Ensure search strings align with your research question.
  • Clarity of presentation: Present information logically for accessibility.
  • Adherence to standards: Follow established guidelines for documenting systematic reviews.
  • Reproducibility of methods: Provide enough detail for exact replication.

Essential Documentation Elements

Database Information

Database Details:

  • Name and platform: Record the database name (e.g., PubMed) and platform (e.g., NCBI).
  • Interface used: Specify the software or web interface (e.g., Ovid, EBSCO).
  • Date range covered: Indicate the database’s time coverage.
  • Subscription details: Note access type (e.g., institutional subscription, open access).
  • Access method: Record how access was obtained (e.g., library proxy, direct login).

Search Strategy

Search Elements:

  • Complete search syntax: Include exact search strings and terms for transparency.
  • Boolean operators used: Specify how terms were combined (e.g., AND, OR, NOT).
  • Field codes applied: Note specific fields searched (e.g., title, abstract).
  • Controlled vocabulary terms: Document standardized terms like MeSH or Emtree.
  • Free-text terms: Record additional keywords or phrases used.

Search Results

Results Data:

  • Number of records retrieved: Document totals from each database.
  • Date of search execution: Record the search dates.
  • Applied limits or filters: Note restrictions (e.g., language, publication date).
  • Export format: Specify formats used (e.g., RIS, CSV, XML).
  • Citation management tool used: Indicate tools (e.g., EndNote, Zotero).

PRISMA Flow Diagram Documentation

The PRISMA flow diagram summarizes the study selection process. Visual tools like PRISMA diagrams provide concise overviews, making complex workflows accessible and easy to interpret. They help readers quickly identify metrics and decision points.

Required Elements

Search Results:

  • Total records identified: Provide the total number retrieved across sources.
  • Database-specific counts: Break down results by database.
  • Other source counts: Include records from grey literature or expert consultations.
  • Duplicate removal numbers: Indicate how many duplicates were removed.

Screening Process:

  • Number of records screened: Document records reviewed during title and abstract screening.
  • Articles assessed for eligibility: Specify full-text articles reviewed.
  • Studies included in the final review: Record studies meeting inclusion criteria.
  • Reasons for exclusion: Provide clear, categorized reasons for exclusions.

Best Practices

Diagram Creation:

  • Use the official PRISMA template: Ensure consistency with standards.
  • Include all screening stages: Represent every step from search to inclusion.
  • Provide clear numerical data: Present exact counts for clarity.
  • Justify exclusions: Document concise explanations for exclusions.

Common Tools:

  • PRISMA Flow Diagram Generator: Automates diagram creation.
  • Covidence: Offers built-in PRISMA diagram tools.
  • Rayyan: Provides export features for visual tools.

Documentation Tools and Templates

Search Strategy Template

Template Components:

  • Database details section: Capture essential database information.
  • Search syntax and query logic: Include exact search strings and logic.
  • Results tracking table: Record metrics for each search.
  • Notes field: Add observations or decisions made during the process.

Documentation Checklist

Key Elements:

  • Detailed database information.
  • Clearly documented search strategies.
  • Inclusion of grey literature sources.
  • Comprehensive process notes.

Reporting Guidelines

Standard Guidelines:

  • PRISMA statement: The gold standard for systematic reviews.
  • PRESS checklist: Ensures peer-reviewed search strategies.
  • MECIR standards: Provides benchmarks for quality.
  • IOM standards: Guidelines for high-quality reviews.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Documentation Best Practices

Key Recommendations:

  • Document processes in real-time: Avoid missing details by recording steps as they occur.
  • Use standardized templates: Ensure consistency with tools like the PRISMA search strategy template.
  • Implement version control: Track changes to maintain accuracy.
  • Maintain backups: Protect against accidental data loss.
  • Conduct peer reviews: Ensure completeness and correctness.
  • Update records as needed: Reflect changes promptly.

Common Pitfalls

Avoid These Mistakes:

  • Incomplete or vague descriptions.
  • Missing crucial dates.
  • Lack of clarity in database details.
  • Inconsistent formatting.
  • Poor version control.
  • Failure to maintain backups.

Additional Resources

Training Materials

  • Cochrane Interactive Learning: Comprehensive systematic review training.
  • EQUATOR Network Resources: Guides for transparent reporting.
  • Knowledge Synthesis Portal: Resources for synthesis methodologies.
  • CRD Training Resources: Modules on best practices.

Useful Tools

  • Covidence: Streamlines systematic review management.
  • Rayyan: Simplifies screening and documentation.
  • EPPI-Reviewer: Comprehensive review tool.
  • Facilitates protocol sharing.


Effective documentation of the search process ensures systematic reviews are transparent, reproducible, and high-quality. Key steps include recording database details, documenting exact search strategies, maintaining logs for deduplication and screening, and creating clear PRISMA diagrams. These practices build credibility and reliability, laying the foundation for future updates and advancements.